150 THE EDITOR OE THE "SPICCrATOIL" had hoped that "A
Bad -Economist's" letter (Spectator, November 30th) as to the difficulty of making ends meet on 22,000 a year might have produced some practical comparisons which would have been useful to one interested in the subject. With that view, may I ask what your readers think of my experience ? Omitting the item of children (for which he allows the sum of 2450 per annum), my figures run as follows :—Rental 290, repairs about 225, three maid-servants, no regular gardener, but the garden costs about £20. My stable costs about 2250, excluding hunt sub- ecriptions, &c. I do not give big entertainments, but there is a good deal of coming and going in the house. My wife and I visit pretty freely for shooting, dm, but she also is not extrava- gant, and for some years past our expenditure has never reached 21,000 a year. Some of our friends seem able to do twice as much as we do with certainly not twice our income. I shall be glad of enlightenment.—I am, Sir, &c., A YOUNGER SON.