We have received some specimens of Messrs. Hudson and Kearns's
Blotting Pad Diaries. These vary in size from 27 in. x 11/ in. (distinguished as the "Bankers' Edition," 8s.) down to 171 in. x 11 in. (4s. 6d.), the latter folding up into a quarto shape. The first-mentioned has a calendar of the year, covering an indexed diary, with a week to the page, interleaved with blotting-paper, and furnished -with pages for cash accounts. Next to the right comes a blotting-pad, with leaves removable when used up, and in number between twenty and thirty. On the right of the pad is a "Date Remembraucer," furnishing a blank space for every day in which engagements may be written down. A more convenient arrangement of the kind it would not be easy to design.