14 DECEMBER 1907, Page 3

"No MENTioN or DRIVES, BUT- At the II.I.L meeting at

Kilbannon, near Tuam, on Sunday, the speakers included Mr. M. Reddy, M.P.; T. O'Donnell, Co.0 ; Thos. M‘Donagh, D.C.; P. J. and Thos. Costello, and N. C. Shine, D.C. It was agreed before- hand that none of the speakers should counsel, or even mention, cattle-driving, but during the proceedings there hung high above the platform a flag bearing the inscription= Blessed are the Cattle-Drivers, for they shall possess the Land.' No one objected to the presence of the flag but the chairman, Mr. Mannion."

No comment is needed. Such a banner is more eloquent than a hundred speeches.