The situation in Zululand has been greatly eased by tin
peaceful surrender of Dinuzulu, who will now stand his tria at Pietermaritzburg. It will be remembered that martial law was proclaimed last week in Zululand, the First Reserves were mobilised in Natal, and recruiting was being vigorously carried on. There have been several murders and much unrest in Zululand, and Dinuzulu himself is charged with stirring up sedition in Swaziland, Basutoland, and Pondoland, as well as in Zululand and Natal. Dinuzulu surrendered to Sir Duncan M'Kenzie at Nongoma on Tuesday. Several hundreds of natives were present, and were formed in a crescent to listen to Sir Duncan M'Kenzie's declaration. The troops were drawn up in a circle round them and were nil armed. Sir Duncan M'Kenzie said that if Dinuzulu had not surrendered many innocent persons might have been killed. He was thankful that there had been no bloodshed. The Government looked to the chiefs to inform them of anything wrong in their districts. During the Nkandhla outbreak the rebels had been allowed to escape as lightly as possible, but now the troops would remain till normal conditions were restored. Two bodies of Reservists have been demobilised: It seems that the Natal Government are acting firmly, but without excitement.