Again we find it useless to attempt any summary of
the debates in Parliament on the Home Rule Bill. The closure and the guillotine eliminated from them almost every spark of life and reality. All we can do is to record the fact that the Home Rale Bill passed through Committee on Thursday night. In the course of the last stage there was, however, a very signifi- cant speech from an Irish member, Mr. MacVeagh, who refused absolutely on behalf of his party to allow the 17nion flag to be hoisted over the Irish Parliament. Mr. Birrell, we need hardly say, declined to insist that the Irish Parliament should give this proof of national loyalty. Mr. Balfour dwelt with great force and feeling upon the scoffing and jeering character of Mr. MacVeagh's speech. After Mr. Redmond had made a somewhat inept attempt to soothe the feelings of those who care for the National flag, while at the same time absolutely refusing his assent to the clause which required its use, the clause was rejected by a majority of 130 (296 to 166).