But if the Liberals win another election it will be
impossible further to withstand their present policy of passing Home Rule and despoiling the Welsh Church. The Liverpool Courier therefore makes the following demand :—
" We ask that the Unionist Party should face the next General Election on the understanding that Tariff Reform shall not come into operation without a poll of the people. We ask that the next Unionist Chancellor shall frame a Tariff Reform Budget ; that it shall be fully and freely discussed in the House of Commons ; that its smallest and most insignificant detail shall be understood by the least intelligent elector in the country ; that it shall be submitted to a direct vote in the constituencies; and that then, and then only, providing only that it is so endorsed, this Budget shall become law. We ask this though Lord Lansdowne deny it, though Mr. Bonar Law support him, though we be running counter to the wishes of every man who has ever held a seat in a Unionist Cabinet, aye, and of every man who has ever followed a Unionist leader through the division lobby. And we ask it because we know we are voicing the wishes of the rank and file of the party; we ask it in the cause of Tariff Reform, in the name of the Unionist Party, in the interests of our national existence?'