We note with great pleasure that a meeting of the
Radical Plutocracy Inquiry which was held at the House of Commons on Thursday afternoon was largely attended. The meeting decided, in view of Mr. Lloyd George's threatened crusade against landowners, to institute a vigorous and searching inquiry into the administration of the numerous properties belonging to members of the Government inside and outside the Cabinet, and their supporters of the Coalition, with a view to ascertaining whether Mr. Lloyd George's colleagues and followers live up to the standards prescribed for Tory land- lords by the Chancellor of the Exchequer. The movement began in a joke, but we see no reason why this attempt to unveil the disgusting hypocrisy of these posing plutocrats, who try to pass themselves off as earnest and simple-living -working men and wear the red cap studded with diamonds, should not lead to sound practical results. We have already seen those who profess to regard betting as the most demoralizing of social evils, complacently purchasing and maintaining a paper which is full of furious incitements to
betting. We shall not be surprised if the promised inquiry discloses moral situations equally remarkable. " The Sikhs have asked for war, and, by Heaven, they shall have it ! "