6 ‘ The Library of Great Painters SIR, — May I apologise to
Mr. Ascoli of the Idehurst Press for having thought that the colour-photography, colour-blocks and colour-printing of the Library of Great Painters were American and not English. The case for the defence is that the three authors of the three volumes are American, that on the verso of the title-page it says: "Published by arrangement with H.-N. Abrams inc., Publishers, U.S.A.," and that on the verso of the last page the colour-plates are not mentioned at all and the printing is given as "by Messrs. Jerrold Ltd. under the general super- vision of Messsrs. Thames and Hudson Ltd." I hope these facts taken in conjunction will be accepted as an excuse for my mistake. As literary editor of the King Penguin Books I am naturally much interested in colour-printing in Britain, and nothing would have given me greater pleasure than to acknowledge that these outstanding colour-blocks and colour-plates are due to such English firms as Messrs. Fine Art Engravers and Messrs. Cowell's of Ipswich and Jerrold's of Norwich.—Yours, &c., NIKOLAUS PEVSNER.