14 DECEMBER 1962, Page 14


Sin,—Starbuck's reminder about anti-Semitism is timely. The ex-liberal anti-liberal cynic is on the WaY to becoming a more formidable enemy of progres- sive thought in this country than any of the mote traditional reactionary types. He can be detected by his sneers at the 'lilac establishment,' at the anti hanging campaign, at protests against anything frorn the laws about homosexuality to Dr. Verwoerd's policies. All liberal settlement has become square ill his view and he must dissociate himself from it : '1.rn not anti-Semitic,' I have heard him say (for Colin Jordan and his friends arc equally square): :lust can't stand Jews.'

There is much that is fatuous in the conduct of

liberal causes and many bores are associated with them. In particular I share our cynic's weariness with all those indignant letters, signed by the sante old crowd every time, inveighing against political detentions here, there and everywhere, and I for one have made up my mind to have no further truck with pseudo-action of this sort. But the causes them- selves would still be good causes even if their ever?' supporter were a fool. It may be tedious and not with-it to say so, but anti-Semitism in any form, in - eluding the fashionable one of anti-anti-anti-Semi' tism, must be combated.

9 Madingley Road, Cambridge