Rumours are being somewhat eagerly circulated of the rapid reorganisation
of the French and German armies. As they come from Germany, they must be demi-official, and must be intended to help on the new Military Bill which is to be passed this Session. The new Bill, it is stated, fixes the peace strength of Germany at 430,000 men, increases the number of officers one-third, and will greatly raise the pay of non-commissioned officers, till the military budget, already 1-15,000,000 a year, will become an un- bearable burden. The Bill is sure to be strongly opposed, for financial reasons, unless Germany is under the impression that she will speedily be at war, and hence these telegrams. This theory may be inaccurate, but it is at least more probable than that Prince Bismarck is meditating another invasion, with its frightful risks, for no visible reason whatever. France does not want war yet, or she would not submit to be so lectured. -