Sam Remo and the Western Riviera, Climatically and Medically Considered.
By Arthur Hill Hassall, M.D. (Longmans.)—By the " Western Riviera" is meant the coast of the Mediterranean between Nice and Genoa. Any one meditating a visit to any part of the locality thus bounded should possess himself of this excellent mono- graph. The title of the book contains a limitation which the contents actually exceed. Health considerations form, of course, the main subject to which Dr. Hassell addresses himself ; but he does not forget other topics, instructing his readers not only how they may keep them- selves alive, but how they may occupy the hours often so wearisome and dull to the invalid.—Travellers who are anxious to see some of the beauties of their own country may find some help in From Bournemouth to Bridgenorth in a Yellow Cart. (Provost.)—The route lay through Hampshire, Wiltshire, Gloucestershire, Worcestershire, and so to the journey's end.