Hindu Tribes and Castes. By the Rev. M. A. Sherring,
M.A. (Thacker, Spink, and Co., Calcutta ; Triibner, London.)—Mr. Sherring continues his valuable work, in a volume the scope of which may be learned from the following extract from the preface :—" The aim of the present volume is to supply some of the deficiencies of its pre- decessor. It is divided into four parts. The first discusses the tribes of the Punjab and its North-Western Frontier ; the second, those of the Central Provinces and Behar ; the third, those of the Presidency of Bombay ; the fourth, those of the province of Scinde." " Rajpn- tuna and the Presidency of Madras are reserved for a third volume." Nothing can better give to Englishmen an idea of the complexity of the task of Indian administration than this volume.