14 FEBRUARY 1885, Page 14


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." ] SIR,—In the Spectator of February 7th you notice favourably Principal Fairbairn's " Catholicism and Apologetics," and speak of the learned Principal as a " leading Presbyterian." Dr. Fairbairn is a Congregational minister, and is Principal of the Airedale College, Yorkshire. He is undoubtedly a veryliberal member of the most liberal of all the orthodox Protestant Chnrches.—I am, Sir, &c., Gso. W. Porno, M.D. 60 Highbury New Park, N., February 10th.

[Our reviewer evidently confused the Principal for a moment with his deceased namesake, Principal Fairbairn of Aberdeen, and Glasgow.—En. Spectator.]