you permit me to use your columns in an endeavour to find a lady who could superintend a house and work in Bristol, known as the house of " Helpers of the Poor ? " The Council of it are losing the services of their present superintendent almost immediately, and have asked me to assist them in replacing her.
"The House of Help " is a home where ladies may live and devote themselves in various ways to the service of the poor. The branches of work, taken up so far, have been districtvisiting under the Clergy ; visiting cases which the Charity Organisation Society have decided to relieve, and some special cases made known to the ladies by the Guardians of the Poor ; conducting evening classes at the Home, meetings for recreation, for factory girls, working parties, &c.
The house is situated in Trinity Street, close to the Cathedral, and is thoroughly healthy and comfortable. £40 per annum is.
the charge for all expenses of residence, or per week for shorter periods. The superintendent pays at the same rate. There are now rooms for some additional workers. I shall be most happy to give any further information in answer toinquiries.—I am, Sir, &c.,
Clifton College, Bristol, February 8th. J. M. WILSON.