[To vs. EDITOR or Tee .B.C.2011..]
would venture to inform your readers that my experi- ence of salmon cultivation on the Tay differs very consider. ably from that of your contributor. The Tay till fourteen years ago was ruthlessly fished, and a learned Professor stated before the Royal Commission that about a hundred tone had been taken by nets during one week; that was greatly in excess of my records, but the river was in the opinion of many people "ruthlessly fished." A very extraordinary and drastic limitation of net-fishing has been in vogue for fourteen years, and while I do not question the improvement which may have been effected in the autumn rod-fishing—a large proportion of that sport (sic) being got with salmon in a very forward con- dition—I do not think there is any doubt that the total number of fish taken by nets is very considerably under the number obtained previous to the restriction, and the methods adopted seem to have failed in improving the stock of the
river as a food supply.—I am, Sir. de, PISCATOE.