Details of the reconstruction of the Cabinet were officially announced
on Thursday, the "reshuffle of offices " forecasted earlier in the week proving correct. Lord Gladstone will not retire from South Africa till the end of the present Session of the Union Government, but his successor, Mr. Sydney Buxton, will leave the Board of Trads almost .immediately. Mr. Buxton's long administrative experience and his genial personality are of the best augury for his discharge of his new duties. All who know Mrs. Buxton will feel that the new Governor will have in her the beet of helpers. Mr. John Burns is to succeed hies at the Board of Trade, and though we regret his removal from the Local Government Board, where he has done such fine work in resisting the pauperization of the people, his courage and firmness should stand him in good stead in his new office. Mr. Samuel, whose record inspires less con- fidence, though his industry and ability are beyond question. goes to the Local Government Board, and will be succeeded at the Post Office by Mr. Charles Hobhonee, while Mr. Maaterman is to be rewarded for his indefatigable services to Mr. Lloyd George by promotion to Cabinet rank as Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster.