[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sue,—As Sir Robert Gower,
Chairman of the R.S.P.C.A., has seen fit to criticize, in what I consider a most unjustifiable way, what I said about the Society, and affirms that there is " not a shred of foundation for it," I wish to state here that what I said in my previous letter to the Spectator was written from personal experience as a member of the Council of several years' standing, and I have deplored the fact that often the animals have apparently been considered of less importance than the fear of " offending someone in a prominent position."
I will not sit on any Council and be a party to this. sort of thing. Sir Robert must know that this is the reason of my quarrel with the Society, and if he can deny it, all I can say is that he must have an uncommonly short memory.—I am, Sir,