14 FEBRUARY 1958, Page 24
SOLUTION TO No. 977 ACROSS. — 1 Gramme. 4 Pricking.
10 Embathe, 11 Moonlit. 12 Dutch uncle. 13 Apes. 15 Wayland. 17 Impress. 19 Repress. 21 Sorting, 23 Shun. 24 Dutch treat. 27 Useless. 28 Fragile. 29 Tussauds. 30 Spider.
DOWN.-1 Glendower. 2 Ambitty, 3 Matchmaker, 5 Ramillies. 6 Coot. 7 Elapse. 8 Gates, 9 Wean. 14 Spirit lamp. 16 Discussed. 18 Sightseer. 20 Pouters. 22 Ice-bird. 23 Shunt. 25 Cuff. 26 Hera
Mat. R. MACDONALD, 2 Church Lane, Beckley, Oxford, and the Ray. J. W. FRASER, Banchory, Kincardineshire.