BIRTHS, 'MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. On the 8th inst. at Hall
Grove, the Lady Loctsa Le. or a da,tliter.
On the Gth inst. at Farnham Castle, t he Lady of a' WINCHESTER, of a daughter. On the 5th inst. the Lady of the Rec. WILMANT NT:NN, of a son and heir.
On the 7th lust. at the Iteetory, .1.elefthara, the Lady the Rey. Joax 'F. DeANE, of a daughter.
On the 12th inst. at his house in New Street, Spring Gards us, the Lady c■f E. P. BASTARD, ESTI. of it son. daughter. • S of a On the 12th inst. in Wimpole Street, the MAR ES.
On the 10th hist. at Valliant, Myr,,::,,; I; 7 Esq, . Dorset Square, surgeon, to !•!' Terrace, and late .1f Cars-,,...11 I I0ose. Berks. On the 10lli inst. at Cla; hom, ; !le I '7, qtary, u:,!!!.■ late
Morning Prete-lb .r the Fe,..,•I',"• Thomas Borrielaile, ,•
Ou rho loth lost. at t tio ..1 ,. vs,itcrney- General of the island of St. Kith:, :: Master ia Chancery, to MAinA, Place. On the 10ill inst. IIENST.F:TOIF daugh- ter or the :light lint. Sir .T. 1k1:;(!klitio!,:;;, M.P.
On the 1911, inst. t inILeS'S Cliareh, G a • , -- .•, . E o„ of Tinton Hall. Cheshire. M.1'. to CITARTAITTE, seeot..1 • .■ idy Charl.■:1.2 (rot' , on, and sister to the present Lord Crofton.
On the loth inst. at Motet oni,, :Foes .t. see, en, to JANE, the third daughter of Rear-Admiral !buret:. On the 10th inst. at 'retie:de-1i. I :1.:•".• • : ,•:.
shire, and lare of the 1411u Light I !.„. .-. • I : 0,1 of Sir John Wrottesley. Bart. :LIP. and nie.... On the 10th inst. at York. Lite:to:ate -Coleuel tilt' Of the 51 Dm-
goon Guards, and of Ortbrd Ii it.-. in the e , mat y of L.:sex, to lilt!, da.ighter of
the late Rev. John Preston, :,f 11,sLy I1i.11. ;7:0 clam, of York.
On the :eh inst. at :Marston. the se:0 Coe Earl of Co.k. JIDIN IITTAMSTON; TVicar r ant.of Great Midday'', Essex; to CLaua, only a:tn.:ire:. Le. M,,kir-Ge:lerai Sir Nicholas
At Shooter's Hill, on the 31.11 inst. EDWARD STnAciir.-:, Esq. second sou of the Into Sir Henry Stratdiey, Bart. or Sutton Court, Somerset. On the 6th inst. at his residence, Great liatbiew, in his 73111 yes:, Captain 13Arteoiv, formerly of the Hon. East India Company's Service, tuel or Butlers Street. On the 3rd inst. at Paris, JOHN BeeoDEN, Esq. of Brilgewater Square, in his 58th year. On the 7th inst. at 28, Euston Square, the Ker. G. SNITCH, II.D. in his 751nd year, Vicar of Evanley. Northamptonshire, anti late Fellow or :Magdalen College, Oxford. On the 6th ins,. in Park Street, Windsor, MAae, widow of the late Sir W. Herschel, K.G.II. in her 82nd year. At Newhorough, Mr. DANIEL Bonn, in his Petlt year. At Anthem, Cheshire, in her 84th year, ANN, relict of the late Mr. S. Barrett, of Woore, Salop. At Helmsley, JOHN THOMPSON, in his 91st year ; anti three days after, ELIZABETH, his wife, in her 81st year. At Kirby, Mr. W. TITOMSON, in his 93rd year. At Renton Abbey, Stafford, Mr. W. BAILEY, in his 92nd veer.
On the 26th of December, in her 44th veer, at Maisemoo;' Lodge, Gloucestershire, the Hon. JULIA IIARWARD, wife of Captain .11. Harward, It.N. and youngest daughter of Admiral Lord Viscount Exmouth, G.C.B. fee.
On the 6th inst. at his seat, Loughry, in the count y of Tyrone. Ireland, in his 85th year, ROBERT LINDSAY, Esq. At Lewisham, on the 13th inst. in his 65th year, HeNev MILLs, Este. one of the oldest Magistrates and Deputy Lieutenants for the (enmity of Kent. On the 10th inst. the Rev. THOMAS Comvx, curate of Tunstall, and of Wanterelen. in Suffolk, and one of the domestic chaplains of his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex. On the Gth inst. in Upper Belgrave Place, ELizAnwra, wife of the RCA'. Stalin 3PEvoy, and housekeeper to his Most Gracious Majesty at St. James's Palace.