14 JANUARY 1832, Page 8


A declaration "for the voluntary support of religion," is now in pro- gress of signature in the parish of the Holy Trinity, Cork. The de- (Aeration .stathit'COnstrained. taxes for religion are "Impolitic and unnecessary :" Impolitic, because . religion-is brought into disrepute and odium from the zoercion which is used in levying the rates for the sup- port of its Ministers, and from the offensive and obnoxious Machinery of tithe proctors and chnrch4ate collectors employed in the collec- tion; and unnecessary, because men, if not unreasonably burdened otherwise, will cheerfully maintain the religion of their choice in all reasonable affluence.—Southern Reporter.

The meeting of Cavan was to take place yesterday. "The requi- sition," says the Dublin Evening Mail, " contains-the names of all the leading interests of the county." Requisitions are in progress of sig- nature for the counties of Fermanagh, Donegal, and Tyrone.

On Saturday night, a resurrectionist, who went to pillage the graves in the chapel-yard of Holywood, was. shot dead in the act of raising. the body of Mr. Fitzgerald, of Ardenode.—Dublin Freeman's Journal.