The news from Spain this week is scanty. The victorious
troops of ESPARTERO are reposing in Bilboa. The defeated and dis- heartened forces of CARLOS have been delivered over to the tender mercies of the ruffian Moassio ; who is to be the real Commander- in-Chief, VILLAREAL having resigned, though the Infante, Don SEBASTIAN, is nominally at the head of the army. This appoint- ment of MORENO has afforded an excuse for the Irish Lord RANELAGH to quit the Carlist camp. We shall have no more letters in the Times from " Basque." The readers of that journal may be consoled for the loss of his communications, by the reflec- tion that they grossly misled all who put their trust in them as to the power and prospects of the party the writer has deserted in its distrcss.