A correspondent of the Couriur at St. Sebastian, having got
hold of an intercepted letter from Mr. E. B. Stephens, correspondent of the Post, to Mr. Mitchell, correspondent of the Herald, wherein the former describes his escape from the rout at Bilboa, sent it to London, and it appeared in the Courier lust night, and in they Chronicle this morning. In this letter the Carlist Mr. Stephens acknowledges that his friends got "an infernal drubbing," but that Ire is safe, as well as Lord Rane- high, Butts and Sou, and Humphrey Bell. He says that the "game is up," and the Carlist army a complete debeicle. Ile also mentions that poor Lord Ranelagh's wardrobe had got into the hands of General Evans—his dressing-case full of choice perfumery, two of Truefit's best wigs, fee.. Stephens himself is minus his surtout, umbrella, two bottles of Scotch whisky, and two hundred dollars ; so he means "to cut his stick." The Post is angry at the publication of this letter, and denounces General Evans as little better than a thief for opening a packet addressed to another person ; but the Post's own correspondent set the example of publishing some time ago an intercepted letter to Captain Lapidge ; so the less said the better on that point.