At a meeting of the Association in Dublin on Thursday,
Mr. Beata triont, M. P., delivered a speech and promised to bring in a bill aext session of Parliament for the payment of the Roman Catholic Clergy by the State. Mr. O'Connell will meet Lis constituents at Kilkenny on Monday ; when be •airposes to resign his seat, alai of course, reassume it. Ile calls on the men of Kilkenny to repeat the declaration of the General Association " that Lord Lyndhurst is an enemy of his Kina' and country," and to form a committee for the purpose of forwarding from every parish petitions for Corporation Reform' Extinction of Tithes, Shortening of Parliaments, Extension of Snffrage, and "above all" for tile Ballot (a placebo for the English Radicals. )
Mr. O'Connell has also addressed a letter to the electors of Lime- rick county, urging them to take their Alt•mber, Mr. StnithO'Brien, to task for his declared opposition to the Ballot, arid his advocacy of a State payment for the Catholic Clergy. A meeting of the Limerick Liberal Club has been held, and from the proceedings it seems probable that a compromise will be made ; and that Mr. O'Brien will not divide the Irish party by puttiog forth his peculiar views—for they are pecti • liar—in the House of Commons.