On the letb just, at NVoodhall Park, Betts, the Lady of Ana S METE, Esq., M.P., o soil.
On the 12th inst.. at Portland Place, the Lady of Ilse Rev. It .Savuotta. of a daughter. On the 7th last.. at the Vicarage, West Tarring, Sussex, tile Lady of the Rev. 'mix Was WA wren. of a danglster. On the 7th inst., at Roushant, the Lady Of CHARLES COTTRELL DORMER, Esq., of a daughter. At (tome, the Lady or wv.T.IAM JoNEs. Esq.. of Clyths, of a daughter. On the 4111 inlet., at Narborotigh Hall, the Last) of CHARLES EMMETT Beitarra. Esq., of a son.
At Runnymede, the lion. ihrs.Nsvir.z Rena of twins.
On Die 2111 ult , at the Viutsrage House, Brace Mode, Salop, the Lady of the Rev. LAWRENCE WILEY. of a daughter.
On the 30 inst.. at Chichester, the Rev. W., MA., Fellow of Peterhonse Col' lute, Coltilaidge, Sector of 1% itueshain, Suffolk, and fourth son of Richard Potter, Esq., or Gistotrue Pasts, Yorkshire, to Ilattatzt, eldest daughter of W.C. Newland, Esq., of Chichester.
On the IM1s bust , at Marylebone Chinch, PERCIVAL, eldest son of Percival Walsh, Esq . oh Oxfool. to Emtt.v, uuligest daughter of Edward Tuften Phelp„ Esq , of Cot- ton, I atiett•ter-Itire. On the 3:1i 11E0 , at Ito,ss. Yorkshire, the ECU. CHARTITS Iloritsw, Fellow or univer- -,t, y Coil) , oxford, to Lucy Ehtzsairrir. Widow of the llons. and Rev. Ileury Dun. comb.% mil dau..;liter of t he Rev. Christopher Sykes. On the rch ist-t., at Liam tyttaelt. Breeknock, WILLI/at LOGAN Et.usraz, Esq., of Is's Stalest y's Pah Regiment of Infantry, eldest son of the late John Elmslie, Esq , of w inolsor, and of the Island of J annsiett, tu CHARLurrE Atirrs. second slaughter of Jobs Parry WnIktns. Esq., of Slaestlerwen, in the some county. 1111 the ICtIi 1101., at St. George's, lialluEerSquarc, TIIONAS BRAND, eldest sou of the 4;ettet.t1 Tres or, no Sys ste,-eltlest slaughter of t he It on. C. C. Cavendish. Oti the 12; It Dee., at St . George's, Bloomsbury, the Pei. J. B. OWEN, Incumbent of St . Mary's, Bilston, to Louisa, youngest daughter of 3. W. Iliggius. Esq., of' Mon- fool, Dams. the 1111s inst., mitt flington, W. J. CADE, Esq., of the Mom East India Company's, to thrumttieIT.s Ltazaarrthouly datightet of J. 3. Margary, Esq., of St .John's Wood.
On the 6th inst., at his seat, Sezincot. Gloucestershire, Sir CHARLES COCKERELL, tur EteSlialat.
Our the ITOtit to' Pie, the lion. HENRY ERSKINE, Lord CARDROSS, eldest SOD of the Itigl.t Hum the Earl of Ittlehan. th...-at, mist.. at Dal-ton, 3sp. Wife ofGeorge Fitzgerald, Esq., in her 59tIs year ; and ton the allow ing iti ittS67til year, Mr. FlIZOLKALD, sena% log Iris wife uuly a OW bona. At selstIon, near Croy don, in Ids 75th year. Grottos Surrit. Esq., younger brother of Lord Cat rington, for many years M .P. and a Ditector or the East India Company. At Glanworth, Cork. SI rs. Itatnaratv. Relict of the late Lord Bishop of Cinque. Ou the 7th bast, at Brighton, la her1:14tIvyear. MARY, Relict of Cornelius Paine, Esq. On the Tills inst., at her residene, in Raker Street. Port:nan Sonate, in her ;3th year, ETJB 4BETB. W WOW of the late G. M. Mouteomerie. Esq. of Garbold:sham 11.11. Norfolk. On the Sib inst., Mrs. Jasre ABDISON, of Mecklenburgh Square, in her 83i1 rear. Widow of the late Henry Addison, Esq., of Peoria', Cumberland. On the 31 inst., at Leamington, Mrs. LEFANU, the only surviving aster of the late night Hun. It. B. Sheridan. On the 21 inst., at Crathes, Kincardineshire, Sir ROBERT BURNETT of Leys, Bart., in his sea year. On the 11th inst., at his house in Beaumont Street, in hia 715t year, JOHN GEORG' it 'WOOD, Esq., F.S.A.
on the 8th inst., at Barnstaple, in her 93th year, Mrs. Timms, Widow of Major Timins of the Royal Marines.