The erincipal occupation here dining the week has been the settlement of the Consul Accouta for January, which has terminated to-day, and may be con- sidered as lox of the most disastrous to the Stock 1:x01:Inge that has occurred for many ye.trs. 'flue speculation which since the shutting of Consols in De- cember ha, been piinig on fur a fall, has most signally f tiled ; all the exertions of thr operators to depress the Market having been counteracted by the est msi ve 5 ,vestureut, a hieh were made by the public upon every depression. The public have thus been enabled to purcha•e a considerable quantity of Stuck at very low price.; for it trow appears, upon winding up the account, that most of the
s3les of Stock which occurred between 87 and 88 were speculative; and as no
large Load fide sales of Stock have since been effected, the speculators have ex- perienced great difficulty in delivering the Stock 1,0 suld. At one period to-day, the pi ice for money was A per cent. above that for the February Account ; and although the distress for Money Stock has to some extent been relieved, the price for money is etill 4. above that for time. If thisacarcity of Money Stock should continue, there cannot be any doubt that, in the absence of political storms, the prices of our public securities must be materially advanced. Ex- chequer Bills maintain their prices; the quotation to-day being 22 to 24 prera. Money still continues scarce for commercial purposes; but the great demand that exists for English stock prevents that scarcity from being felt in the Stuck Exchange. In the Foreign Market, the European Continental Securities are firm at pre- vious quotations. There has been some inquiry for Danish Stock ; which has led to an advance in price ; and this circumstance, in conjunction with that of the journey of one of the lloatiscuiLD family to Copenhagen, has given rise to a belief that a new Danish Loan is in course of negotiation.
Spanish Stock has fluctuated between 24 and 2 ; and is to-day heavy, in con- sequence of the near appcoaeli of the settling-day, and the indisposition of wire. of the jobbers to cany over the Stock for the minor class of speculators. Portuguese Bonds are heavy, with very littie doing. The South American Stocks are lower. A meeting of the Colombian Bond- holders has been held in the course of the week, to consider the propriety of submitting some plan to the Government by which the liquidation of the debt might be effected ; hut the result has been unfavourable, anal the Stock is now more than 2 pet cent. below the quotation which it had once reached.
The ltailway Shares are generally without much variation from our last prices: some of the lesser-priced ones have been in request, but not at any material improvement in their value. SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK. The scarcity of Consols is as great to-day as it was yesterday . • anal a great
portion of the Account still remaitis ousettled, in consequence of utter in- ability of the jobbers to procure the stock necessary to arrange it. The vr:ce of Consols for Money is mtj to a above that for the Account: the quotation for 3Iottey has been as high as 90A ex div., which is equal to 9111 with the dividend; and the quotations are DOW 89;: for Money, and 8934 fur February Account. A large failure occurred yesterday in the silk trade. The liabilities of the boa are stated at 200,600/. Very little is doing in the Foreign Minket. We are still without the French mail of Thursday. Spanish Active 26ã.i The South American are also dull ; Columbian 24 VIZ) ; Mexican 24 25. Peruvian 18 20 ; Buenos Ayres 23 ao. Nothiug of.importance has occurred in the Railway Shares.
The Consol Market has given way nearly per cent. in the course of the afternoon the difficulty of providing 31oney Stock having been mitigated by a, cunsideral:le supply. The Paris letters of Thursday have arrived, and bring intelligence of an improvement of more than 1 per emu, in the price of Spanish Stock ; the closing quotation being 27,1. A rise of more than 1 per cent, has consequeutly t then place here this afternoon ; and, after having been at 26, the last price of Active is .253 z. The South American Stocks have improved about I per cent., and the Portuguese in a like degree; the Five per Cents. being 4s:2, and the Three per Cents. 306 31. 'The only transactions which 13 lVe °miffed in Railway Shares during the afternoon, have been a few bar- gains ii the Smith Eastern and Brighton Shares. 3 pee cent. Cell I ' 8114 Danish 3 per Cods. 76 7 1/lito Tor ACC,I,IC S2* 1 Dula% 21 per Census 531
3 per Cent. Reduced 991 * Mexican 6 per Cents 21 25
New per Cent A tas ex.tiiv 98,711irt* tklstoguesc lt egeney 5 p.Cts 47*liii is'4,,,ek DitH, 3 per Cunt. 29* DiSto 5 pee Ceas Set ip :rut ttalai oek
Excicapter Bills 22 24 pr. Pi usrinn ( 1 tz18) 5 pee Cent .. —
Belgian 5 per Celos 101* ussian (1:422)3 per Cent 1419 10 Blacilian 5 per Cents 85 ti6 Spanish (1833) 5 per Cent... 25;