14 JANUARY 1837, Page 8

We regret to have to announce an extensive failure in

the silk trade, that of the firm of White and Batt. Their transactions were on a very jut ;ze scale, and in the early part of last year were known to have been praiitable in an extraordinary degree ; the recent depreciation in the valto• of silk and the restrietioos on the circulation crippling the means of heir debtors meeting their obligations, have led to this unfortunate result. The circumstance has taken the commercial world quite by sin iirise; it was known that they bud a large capital embarked in trade, and down to the very moment of their failure their credit was no dimmed even by a suspicion.—Moraino Chruniele.

There seems to be no doubt of the important fact, " that Mr. Pou- lett homson returned to London on Saturday the 7th of January, front Lord Palmerston's seat at Brondlands." At least the insertion of it. is itl•out any qualification, by newspapers of all parties, day 3if:er day, from Sunday to Thursday last inclusive, would appear to warrant us in believing that one Cabinet Minister at least was to be found at his office, if anybody wished to find him.