The following paper, which was read by Mr. Lloyd Jones,
and stated to rest on the highest authority (understood to be that of the French Embassy), contains some statements as to the pre- sent condition of France, which, whether trustworthy or not,. rather fall short of the figures supplied by newspaper corre- spondents. " The National Government of Defence has, during the last two months, made immense efforts, of which France is now be- ginning to reap the fruits, and her military position will, a few weeks hence, be really formidable. The French armies increase in num- bers every day, and will soon reach the imposing total of 500,004' men, exclusive of the Army of Paris, with more than 2,000 cannon. of the best patterns, and as great, and even greater, range than the Prussian field ordnance. A part of these guns are manufac- tured in France, the rest have been purchased abroad. All the troops that take part in the military operations are armed with the chassepOts or other first-rate breech-loaders, of whioh a con- siderable quantity are daily turned out by French workshops,. whilst 400,000 have been bought abroad, and are being delivered as fast as circumstances allow. Meanwhile the muzzle-loaders, which form the provisional armament of the 400,000 National Guards which have not yet been mobilized, and form the reserve of the army, are rapidly being converted into breech-loaders. At present the number of soldiers in the field is 400,000, besides 275,000 in Paris, making a total of 675,000, backed by a reserve of 400,000 National Guards, not yet mobilized, which are available for filling the vacancies occurring in the ranks of the active army."