14 JANUARY 1905, Page 3

The general meeting of the Classical Association of England and

Wales was concluded on Saturday last, when the Lord Chancellor, as president, delivered an excellent address. In particular, he pleaded for a judicious extension of the classical curriculum, so as to include writers like Lucian and Plutarch, Seneca and Lucan. The worship of accurate scholarship might easily be carried too far. " Let a man learn to read Greek and Latin with facility, and it will soon be with enjoyment, and if with enjoyment, then with gradually advancing accuracy. If you wish for complete accuracy at first, and teach the nuances of grammar before the pupil knows anything of the language, you run the risk of making him hate Greek for the rest of his life." Tbat is sound sense, and the advice was endorsed by Professor Butcher, who quoted Professor Gildersleeve's excellent definition of the best method as "the maximum of form in the accidence, the minimum of syntax, and the speediest possible contact with the actual literature."

Bank Rate, 3 per cent.