14 JANUARY 1911, Page 17


[TO THE EDITOR OP TER "SPECTATOR."] Sra,—May I crave the hospitality of your columns to bring to the notice of your readers the formation of a League called the League of St. George? You will see the object we have in view. I shall be very grateful for any help you can give me.—I am, Sir, &c., Church of St. Ethelburga the Virgin,

Within Bishopsgate, B.C.


"Draft of proposed Constitution.

THE LEAGUE OF ST. GEORGE. Object—To Uphold Righteousness in Politics.

The League will seek to carry out its object in the following ways amongst others:— . 1. By helping by common action to uphold the banner of honour, courtesy, truthfulness, integrity, and an enlightened patriotism in public life.

2. By slaying the dragon of the selfishness and cowardice which are ingrained in party spirit. 3. By reminding voters that their vote is a solemn trust to be exercised always from conscientious motives and not only for party purposes.

4. By helping to abolish canvassing, the carrying of voters to the roll, and all other degrading means of exercising pressure on voters.

5. By opposing the custom which demands that the Member for a constituency shall subscribe to local objects, leaving him free instead to do in this matter what he thinks best.

6. By impressing on all voters that they should put party before self, their country above their party, and God before all.

7. By urging that Members of Parliament and candidates for Parliament should say what is true rather than what their party dictates or what they think may catch votes.


The League will work in three main ways:- 1. By promoting the formation of groups for concentration in prayer that the will of God may be sought for and made decisive in public life.

2. By watching closely the course of politics, so as to intervene wherever it is thought necessary on behalf of the object of the League.

3. By appeals made publicly and privately for the upholding of i a lofty moral standard in public life."