[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—" Exile of Erin's " letter on the above subject encourages me to draw attention, through you, to another current historical myth regarding Ireland, viz., that the Irish people have been driven wholesale across the Atlantic by British oppression and misgovernment, causing the heavy depopulation of the island. No doubt many thousands of Irish have migrated to America, not, I think, chiefly on account of ill-treatment, but to make their fortunes, as many of them have deservedly done; but it is usually forgotten what a land of attraction the Briton'i teen home has proved to countless numbers of Irish. Think how British life in every department, both at home and in the colonies and dependencies, is inextricably crossed with Irish names and Irish blood, which have never ceased to receive a welcome from the kindliest and most tolerant of all nations, and it will be realized that Ireland has not on the whole made a bad bargain of the connexion with England.—I am, Sir, &e.,