[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Encouraged by the Southborough Report and the results of the Carlisle Management, the Directors of the Glasgow District Public House Trust have decided to extend the work which they have been gradually developing for the past quarter of a century. An issue of debentures, carrying 6 per cent., is about to be made, details of which I shall be glad to send to anyone interested. The average earnings of the Trust are now almost four times the amount required to meet the debenture interest, and a recent valuation of assets is over three times the amount of the issue.
The stock we offer is therefore one of the small but increasing class of investments which render distinct social service, whilst yielding a reasonable return on capital invested.—! am; Sir, &e., Jonx M. BIGGAR, Secretary.. Public-House Trust (Glasgow District), Ltd., 180 West George Street, Glasgow, C. 2.
[We are delighted to publish this letter from the Public- House Trust (Glasgow District), Ltd. The debenture stock pays 6 per cent. interest and is amply secured. The trustees for the debenture stock holders are the Duke of Montrose and Sir John Cargill. The Chairman is Sir Fred C. Gardiner, and Sir John Stirling-Maxwell is Deputy-Chitirman. The Spectator as a mark of encouragement is applying for some of the debenture stock.—En. Spectator.]