14 JANUARY 1928, Page 19

The Canadian Bank of Commerce _ (2 Lombard Street, EC.

3) sends us an interesting booklet on The Mineral H'ealth of Canada, which deserves the attention of a wider publio than that of the international investor. The greatest oppor- tunities in the modern world for a young man probably exist in our great Dominion, so close to the richest country in the world and so rich itself in both mineral and agricultural wealth. "Success in a marked degree will attend the efforts of many of those who, possessing adequate capital and the requisite experience, undertake exploration and developrcnt in Canada." We agree and would heartily commend this volume. Another publication of similar format consists of articles reprinted from the Morning Post and Financier, News by Professor R. R. Thompson, well known in University and financial circles in Montreal. Canada and the Empire is a booklet which deserves the attention of every ambitious boy and every wise parent who is looking for wider oppor- tunities for his son than those offered in Great Britain to-day. We may well ponder the fact that during the post-War years barely £20,000,000 has been raised for Canada in England, while the amount subscribed in the United States for develop- ment of the Dominion, in 1925 only, was £30,000,000.