Three timely books on winter sports are Letters to Young
Winter Sportsmen (Philip Allan, 10s. (Id.), by Mr. Brian Lunn, whose father has done so much to popularize Switzerland: Winter Sports Simplified, by Mr. H. G. Stokes (Thornton Butterworth, 5s.); and Brigadier-General Wroughton's Winter Sports Annual (Cecil Palmer, is.) The latter is, perhaps, the most expert of the guide books we receive. The author spends several months of each year in Switzerland and Norway acquiring information on the spot, and, being a veteran ski-er himself, his advice may be very thoroughly trusted. Although Mr. Caulfield's How to Ski and How Not to, is the classic on this difficult art, the instruction therein is rather detailed and complicated. For those who have not the patience to go to the root of the matter we can recommend the works of Mr. Lunn and Mr. Stokes, both of which are clear and readable. Both have chapters on skating as well as ski-ing. If we had to choose between the two, our preference would go to the former.
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