A Library List
Tneor.ouv :-Souls of Men. By W. Y. Fullerton. (The Carey Press. ,As.)---L-Religious Conversion. By Sante de Sanctis. (liegan• Paul. 12s. 6d.) The Church in Scotland, 1843;1874. By J. R. Fleming. (T. and T. Clark. 9s.)-Faith in God and its Christian Con- summation. By D. M. Baillie. (T. and T. Clark. 9s.) HISTORY :-Proceedings of the World Population Conference, 1927. Edited by Margaret Sanger. (Arnold. 20s.) The Nile and Egyptian Civilization. By A. Mora. (Kegan Paul. 25s.) MISCELLANEOUS :-How the Soviets Work. By H. N. Brails- ford. (The Vanguard kt6Is."- Obtainable from The New Leader, 14 Great George Street, S.W. 1. 2s. 6d.)- The Universal Aspects of Fascism. By J. S. Barnes. Preface by Signor Benito Mussolini. (Williams and Norgate. 10s. 6d.) Animal Biology. By J. B. S. Haldane rind Julian Huxley. (Oxford University Press. 10s.)-This. Airship Business. By. E. F. Spanner. (Williams and Norgate. 25s.)-Old Scotch Songs and Poems. Translated by Sir James Wilson. (Oxford University Press. 18s.)----Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Edited by H. C. Colles. Vol. IV. (Macmillan. 30s.)-The Elements of Economic Geology. By J. W. Gregory. (Methuen. 10s.)-Roman Coins. By Harold Mattingley. (Methuen. 21s.) FICTION :-The Unburied Dead. By Stephen McKenna. • (Thornton Butterworth. 7s. 6d.)--:Nancy Trevanion's Legacy. By Joseph Hocking. (Ward, Lock. 7s. 6d.) The Sleeping Sword. By Barbara Golden. (Chap- man and Hall. 7s. 6d.)