General Knowledge Questions
'11-nE weekly prize of one guinea, offered by the Editor for the best thirteen General Knowledge questions submitted to us, is awarded this week to Mr. A. Mackenzie, of Baile na Collie, . ,
Aahnoral, for the following :
1. Define a morel in .two words. -
2. What is the gender of the word "lark" in the sentence ";The lark sings" ? • 3. What line immediately precedes "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing " ? • 4. What does the phrase "Mending a cast" mean ?- . 5. Is Bristol east or west of Edinburgh ?
6. When and for what purpose do you use hydrochloric acid ?
7. How many horns has a St. Kilda sheep ?
: S. Why do you associate Krakatoa with sunsets ?
9. What does "Pre sale" ,mean on a menu and why ? ..10. How do you pronounce Sasine ? 11. What are the colours of the rainbow and in what order do they come ?
7'112. What is the meaning of "Caller Herrin' " ? 13. Vfllat does " N or 51" stand for in the Anglican Catechism ?
Ausweis will be fOinid on page 64.