The selection of Sir John Anderson as candidate for the
Scottish Universities is admirable. Sir John, in fact, appears to possess all the qualifications. He is Scottish born, went to a Scottish school, took his degree at Edinburgh (as well as one at Leipzig) and married a Scottish wife. He crowned a career of exceptional distinction in the Civil Service with a notably successful term of office as Governor of Bengal. And with more good work already behind him than fills most men's lives he finds himself at 55 with a probable quarter of a century to devote to politics or business, or both. His Civil Service career has in many ways resembled Sir Arthur Salter's, and the political outlook of the two men is not, I think, very different, though the one sits as an Independent and the other is standing as National Government candidate. That broad label covers three different parties. Actually Sir John Anderson, I imagine, is more a Liberal than anything else—presumably of the National Government type. Another admirable candidate is opposing him- in Sir Peter Chalmers Mitchell (Independent), also Scottish born. A pity the electors cannot return both.
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