Solution to Jumbojac (unclued lights are in brackets) ACROSS: 1
Polioencephalomyelitis (14 Furioso) 16 Podagra 17 Rhizocarp 18 Spell (19 Roland) 21 Superabundance 22 Derailleurs 25 Tassel 28 Dons God's armour 29 Suttee 30 Claim 34 RaY,11.; 35 Adept 36 Brassie 37 Leitmotiv 39 Gianthood 42 Lasso (44 The Lusiads) 45 Speired 47 Ma' 49 Protea (51 Del Cid) 53 So-so 54 Pushtoo 56 Scholastic (57 Poema) 61 Pikestaff 63 Flash-back 64 Helotry 66 Rooky 68 Ratio 73 Cokes 74 Fruity 75 Telerecordings 76 Setose 77 Statesmanly 79 Ophthalmometry 81 Niacin 82 Adore 83 Micropsia 84 Inuring (85 Beowulf) 86 Electroencephalographs.
DOWN: (I Paradise Lost) 2 Ochreous 3 Inzia 4 Ecco 5 Cursedly 6 Asperged (7 Orlando) 8 Yoruba!) 9 Laodamia 10 Transubstantiationist 11 Side-lines 12 Nitrotrimethylmethane 13 Coliseums 15 [Mani" 23 Placated 23 Tomentase 24 Isothermal 26 Slots 27 Perone 33 Grout 32 Isaiah 33 Windsor 38 I]literacY 40 Isis 4] Specked 43 Sanctuary 46 Idolon 48 Loof 50 Donkey's years 52 Lairy 54 55 Unsoft 58 Shire-moot 59 About (60 Chanson de) 62 Front row 65 Tee-shin 67 Kedgeree 69 Testrill 70 Stiltish 71 Bellano 72 Monodon 78 Alpha 80 Grig. The words at ID, 7D & 14A, 44A, 57A & 51A, 60D & 19A and 85A name six epic poems (28A: see Ephesians vi 10-13). Plaister Winners: First prize (£30): A. Hall, 49 Ilex Way, Goring-by-Sea, West Sussex; Runners-up (£15 each): C. M. Thompson, 1 The Gryphons, Pittville Circus Rd., Cheltenham, and Mrs W. Cheek, Bossington Lane, Porlock, Minehead, Somerset.