The English Funds have been slowly advancing during the whole week; and after being today at 93 both for Money and Account, close at 934, the highest price of the week. Money is as abundant as ever; the current rate of interest for loans for short periods on the security of English Stock being from 14 to 2 per cent. The business transacted has been unimportant; and the improvement in price is mainly owing to the investment of foreign capital, which is continually pouring into this country in consequence of the disturbed state of Europe. ,
In the Foreign Market, prices are without any material change; the abundance of money failing to produce its usual effect of a rapid increase in the value of the cur- rent Bonds. Most of the Dividend-paying Stocks are slightly in advance of our last quotations, with but very few transactions. Portuguese Bonds have advanced, and have reached 31. The Mexican and South American Bonds may be quoted generally as rather heavier.
The Railway Shares are without any material change; the prices of today being nearly the same as those of last week. One or two exceptions must, however, be noticed, in which an improvement is observable. Among these will be found the Shares of the Eastern Counties, which have advanced nearly 1/., viz. from 84 to 9. This improvement may, we believe, be attributed to the necessity under which several speculators who have sold shares in anticipation of a fall have been placed, of purchasing to cover their previous sales. The agitation which has had so depressing an effect upon these Shares may be expected to cease with the elec- tion of the new Directors. The meeting of the York and North Midland has rather increased the value of the Shares: the price, which was 30, had fallen to 284, but is last quoted today at 29i.
The French Funds were firm in Paris yesterday; the closing price of the Five per Cents being 88.25, and of the Three per Cents 54.25. The first price of Con- sols was 934, and one bargain occurred at 934; this quotation was not long sus- tained, and the price is now 934 both for Money and Account. The Foreign Funds are without change. In the Railway Market the principal object of in- tercet is the report of the York and North Midland Committee of inquiry; and the disclosures contained in that document have created an extraordinary sensa- tion. The transactions in Shares have been unimportant, being confined to the following: Eastern Counties, 94 i ; York and North Midland, Preference, 84; the latter quotation is an advance of nearly 1/. upon yesterday's price.
3 per Cent. Consols 93 4 Danish 3 per Cents 65 7 Ditto for Account 93 1 Dutch 21 per Cents 501 14 3 per Cent Reduced
93 4
Ditto 4 per Ceuta 80 1 31 per Cents 93 I Mexican 5 per Cents 28 1 Long Annuities St i New Grenada 16 1 Bank Stock 195 7 Portuguese N.4 per Cents 1842 30 31 Exchequer Bala 47 51 prem Portuguese Old 1824.... ..... 77 9 India Stock - Russian 5 per Cents 106 107 Brazilian 5 per Cents 83 5 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents . 18 1 Belgian 41 per Cents 83 5 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 341 5 Buenos Ayrell 43 5
23 5
Chilian 6 per Centa ... ......
91 6
The accounts of the Bank of England for the week ending the 7th July exhibit, when compared with those of the preceding week, the following results-
BAXXINO DEPARTMENT. Increase. Decrease.
Rat £19,617 - Piddle Deposits - £106,292 Other Dep...sits
397,271 Seed-day and Other Bills 22,402 - Government Socuritlea, including Dead-weight
Other Securities .
.. A
28,703 Notes unissued
514,425 Actual Circulation
' 280,605 - Notes issued
227,840 Bullion
This week.
Last week.
Total Bullion in both Departments 14,975,440 15,120,811
Actual Circulation
18,220,980 17,934,395
BANK OF BNOLAND. An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, tor the week ending on Saturday, the 7th day of July MM. DOME DEPARTMENT.
Notestained £25,071,891 Government Debt
Other securities 2.9a4ar4
Gold Coln and Bullion
Silver Bullion
Proprietors' Capital
Rest £14,553,000 3,133.000 Government Securities, (in
eluding Dead Weigh tAlumity)Ell ,382 am
Public Deposits' 7.485,111 Other Securities
9,910 970 Other Deposits 8,829,348
9,851 915 Seven Day and other Bills .... 1,027,720 Gold and Silver Coln 9 2,515
£33,028,195 'Including Pachequer,Savings Banks, Commissioners of National Debt &Dividend Accts.