The last meeting of the Musical Union, on Tuesday, may
be regarded as the closing concert of the season. The Union has been carried on this year with great spirit and success. The subscribers, belonging exclusively to the circles of rank and fashion, have become so numerous that great room is now not more than sufficient to accommodate the audience. The performances, under the direction of Mr. Ella, have consisted of cham. her instrumental music of the most classical character,—the Sonatas, Trios, and Quartets of Mozart, Beethoven, Hummel, Mendelssolin, and other great masters—executed by the finest players that London can furnish. Among those who have performed this season have been Ernst, Joachim, Sainton, and Matti. These meetings, and those of the "Amateur Society " for the performance of orchestral music, held at the Hanover Square Rooms, leave no doubt of the real progress of music among the gentry.