Bailey and Ritchie, St. Paul's Churchyard, silk-mercers—Evans and Lascelles, Great Guildford Street, Southwark, coopers—Rees and Thomas, Thornton Street, Herself- down, drapers—The Egglescliffe Chemical Works, Urlay Nook, Yorkahlre—Horsemen and Parker, Davies Street, Berkeley Square, milliners—Bury and Co. ShevIngton, Lan- cashire, coat-merchants; as far as regards M. Price—Schroeder and Ashlin, Liverpool, stock-brokers-- G. and J. Watson, Lancaster, linendrapers—Ciarkson and Blenkiron, Reel, Yorkshire—T. and J. Lee, Runcorn, grocers—Fisher and Hawkins, Gloucesters linendrapers—Cairns and Son, Chorley, cotton-manufacturers—Stark and Co. Norwich, dyers—Gardiner and Emmott, Cheyne Walk, surgeons—Parry and Son, Macclesfield Street, Islington, coal-merchants ; as far as regards T. Parry—Dysons and Sykes, Huddersfield, cotton-warpmakers ; as far as regards J. Dyson—Rain and stags. Aske Street, Hoxton, jewellers—Gardner and Bazley, Manchester, cotton-epinners —Green- street and Paton, Liverpool, engineers—Willcox and Co. Aberdare, Glamorgansbire- brewers—Gardner and Braley, Manchester, cotton-spinners; as far as regards
Gardner—Boyle and Co. Rio de Janeiro, and Naftali and Co. Monte Video, commissionagents—Labron and Terrill, York, tobacco-manufacturers—Barron and Gray, Aber- deen, watch-makers—The Agriculturist Cattle Insurance Company. Chatham Place, Blackfriars ; as far as regards R. Ainslie, A. Brodie, G. Hope, W.Dods, and A. Johnston.
BANKRUPTS, ARCHER, EDWARD, Clare Street, baker, to surrender July 17, Aug. 24: solicitors, Messrs. Lovell, Gray's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street.
Ennisort, Wittram, Resnick, Yorkshire, woollen-manufacturer, July 23, Aug. 14 donators, Mr. Harvey, Southampton Street ; Messrs. Payne and Co. Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Hope, Leeds. HEAD, SAMUEL, Woodbridge, upholsterer, July 17, Aug. 15: solicitors. 3105EL Clarke, BIshopsgate Churchyard ; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane. _ Ivrasort. Jour, Stokesley, Yorkshire, builder, July 23, Aug. 13: solicitOrs, Messrs. Trinder and Eyre, John Street; Messrs. Hari° and Clarke, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Hope, Leeds. KING, Toile and JOSEPHYRANCLS, Wells Row, Islington, builders, July. 19, Aug. 201 solicitor, Mr. Theobied, Funnel's Situ; official assignee, Mr. Green, Gnam-e^- Chambers.
ab be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. Aug. 4, Wilson. Westbromwich, steel-manufacturer. To be confirmed unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before July 31. Strange, Liverpool, merchant-31arson, South Place, Finsbury, dealer in horses- courn, jun. St. James's Street, silversmith-Bishop, Maiden, Herefordshire, cattle- dealer-Nichols, Snow Hill, ironmonger-Smithies, Chaig,pley, Lancashire, timber- dealer-Richdson, Liverpool, cutler-Vaughan, Hereford, plumber-Taverner,
Nuneaton, draper-Scott, Exeter, ironmonger-Westley, Biggleswade, miller.
Baydon, Wandsworth, butcher; first div. of 2s. July 12. and three subsequent Then- days ; Mr. Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Amos, Whitstable, coal-merchant ; first div. of 2, td. July 12, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Mr. Stansfeld,Basinghall Street -Gomme, Angel Terrace, Hammersmith, cabinet-maker; first div. of 6s. 9d. July 12, sad three subsequent Thursdays ; Mr. Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Andrews, Brighton, flutterer; first div. of Is. 9d. July 12, and three subsequent Thursdays; Mr. Stansfeld, Basinghall Street -Garbanati, Newman Street, carver; first div. of Is. 21d. July 12, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Mr. Stansfeld, Baslughall Street-Gower jun. New Broad Street, merchant; first div. of Is. July 12, and three subsequent Thursdays, Mr. Stansfeld, BasInghall Street-Humphrey, North Walsham, grocer; div. of 10141. on new proofs only, July 12, and three subsequent Thursdays; Mr. Stens- fold, Basinghall Street-Beaver, Manchester, cotton-spinner; final div. of 3d. July 17, or any subsequent Tuesday; Mr. Lou, Manchester. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.
Glen, Edinburgh, farmer, July 18, Aug. 8-Murray, Edinburgh, printer, July IC, Aug. 6-Corstorphine, Leith, wine-merchant, July 16, Aug. 6-Cowan, Edinburgh, paper- manufacturer, July 16, Aug. 6 -A. and J. Crab, Montrose, grocers, July 14, Aug. 6.
Erratum-In the Gazette of Tuesday last, in the advertisement for a fiat in bank- ruptcy, Issued against T. D. Hammond, of Hull, druggist, for Mr. Hope of Leeds, as official assignee, read Mr. Carrick, of Hull.
Friday, July 13.
Arrowsmith and Rider, wine.merchants-Ullrnan and CO. John Street, Crutched Friars, passage-brokers ; as for as regards B. Doctor-Dawbam and Co. Liverpool, slate-agents-Thorp and Hayes, West Leigh, Lancashire, cotton-spinners-Harvey and BaHerSby, Liverpool, coal-merchants-E. and E. L. Lewis, Whitehaven, brewers-J- IM R. Duggan, Maryport, Cumberland, drapers-Brittala and Houston, Basingliall Street, woollen-manufacturers-F. and J. T. Pearce, St. Austell, Cornwall, surgeons- Alicard and Edgill, Sheffeld–GOdden and Son, Woodstock, glovers–Coates and Co. Plymouth, spirit-dealers; as far as regards J. King-Dickson and Co. Manchester, um- brellamuumfacturers-Walenn and AIWA% Great Portland Street, tea-dealers-The Talybout Coal and Lime Company, Brecon ; as far as regards W. Powell-Faulkner and Son, York Street, Westminster, builders –Smith and Alinutt, Loose, Kent, paper- manufacturers-Cowan and Co. Manchester, engravers-Shaw and Baynes, Fish Street 11111, attornies-L. S. and C. Lyne, Stock Exchange, stock-brokers-Walton and Jagger, Bradford, Yorkshire, cloth-dressers-Shadforth and Dinning, Newcastle-upon• Tyne, engineering-surveyors-Hanson and Bachelor, Tothill Street, haberdashers- The Norwood Green Corn and Flour Society, Halifax-Smith and Shaw, Castleford, Yorkshire, glass-merchants-Ashton and Brothers, Wemeth, Cheshire, cotton-manu- facturers; as far as regards S. Ashton-Frith and Holmes, Sheffield, white-metal- smiths-E. and J. H. Garston and Co. Liverpool, merchants ; as far as regards H. Gersten- Moore and Co. Liverpool, merchants ; as far as regards C. Moore- Falkner and Co. Manchester, drapers-J. and E. Whitwell. Kendal, Westmore- land, carpet-manufacturers-J. and C. Lathbury, Oxford Street, linendrapers-Clark and Be Coure , Greek Street, and Co. Queenhithe, stationers; as far as regards D. Kidd-Sanliem and Sons, Sheffield, merchants-Thomas and Son, St. Ives, Cornwall, ropemakers.
Rage jun:, Joan, Dudley, printer, July 12.
Betr„ EDWARD, ASH, Manchester, share-broker, to surrender July 26, Aug. 16: solici- tors, 'Messrs. Gregory and Co. Bedford Row4'31essrs. Hitchcock and Co. Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Babson, Manchester. BATE, GEORGE, Wolverhampton. joiner, July 26, Aug. 18 :solicitors. Messrs. Bennett sad Thorne, Wolverhampton ; Messrs. 3lotteram and Co. Blrintfigliam ; official as- signee, Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham.
EvemeLn, JossFir, Whitehurch, chemist, July 24, Aug. 21 solicitors, Messrs. Harper and Jones, Whitchurch ; Mr. Hodgson, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Valpy, Bir- mingham. Gams, THomAs, Ardwlek, Manchester, draper, July 23, Aug. 21: solicitors, Mr. Spinks, Great James Street ; Mr. Cobbett, Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Fraser, 31anchester.
IIASKATNE, WILLIAM, Liverpool. merchant, July 23, Aug. 17: Solicitors, Messrs. Holme and Co. New Inn ; Mr. Yates jun. Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Turner, Liverpool. nonce, Joan, Colyton, Devonshire, currier, July 25, Ang. 21 : solicitors, Mr. Terrell, Gray's Inn; Mr. Terrell, Exeter; official assignee, Mr. Hernaman, Exeter. licoess, THOMAS, Lincoln, saddler, July 25, Aug. 22: solicitors, MeSSra. RichardS and Walker, Lincoln's Inn: Mr. Thomas jun. Walsall; Messrs. Lightfoot and Co. Hull; official assignee, Mr. Carrick, Hull. JosEs jun., Joan, and OAKES, THOMAS, Kingswinford, ironmasters, July 26, Aug. 30 : solicitors, Messrs. Fellowes and Co. Dudley; Messrs. Bourne and Wainwright, Dudley ; Official assignee, Mr. Christie, Birmingham.
PONYING, WILLIAM, Caine. nurseryman, July 26, Aug. 23: solicitors, Mr. Boykett ; Chancery Lane; Mr. Pratt, Wootton Bassett ; 31r. Ayre jun. Bri.stol ; official assignee, Sir. Aeraman, Bristol.
PROCTER, Teazles, (and not Proctor, as before advertised.) Preston, spindle-maker, July 23, Aug. II: solicitors, Messrs. Chester and Co. Staple's Inn ; Mr. Armstrong, Preston; Messrs. Sale and Co. Manchester; official assignee, Mr. Pott, Manchester. TAYLOR, RoBERT, Liverpool, ironmonger, July 23, Aug. 17 s solicitors, Mr. Oliver, Old Jewry Chambers ; Messrs. Evans and Son, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool, WILcoX, EDMUND and Jona, Aberdare, Glamorganshire. grocers, July 26, Aug. 23: efficitors, Messrs. Rowland and Co. ; 31r. Bird, Cardiff; official assignee, Sir. Hutton, Bristol,
Aug. 3, Bruce, Farringdon Street, printer-Aug. 3, Nichols, Snow Hill, ironmonger- Aug. 1, riowring, Lawrence Lane, silk-shag-manufacturer-Aug. 14, Joys, Moreton-in- Harsh, Gloucestershire, bootmaker-Aug. 7, Orchard, Bath, upholsterer-Aug. 7. Jor- dan and Co. Coventry, brewers–Aug. 8, Trotman, Liverpool, merchant–Aug. 8, J. teal W. Walker. Birkenhead, joiners-Aug. 10, Alton, North Shields, brewer-Aug. 6, Whitehaven, ironmonger-Aug. 6, King, Helmsley, Yorkshire, surgeon-July 25. Tattersall, Ower Darwen, coal-dealer-July 25, Layfield, Burnley, boiler-maker.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to t h e contrary, on the day of meeting.
Aug. 2, Warne, Newport, Isle of Wight, grocer-Aug. 7, Haylock, Cambridge, che- mist-Aug. 7, Hyland, Ewhurst, Sussex, grocer-Aug. 7, Perry jun. High Street, Cam- berwell, oilman-Aug. 13, White, Wimborne Minster, Dorsenshire, saddler-Aug. 6, Rhine% Bolton Terrace, Edward Street, Walworth, spinner-Aug. 6, Dickison, Little Tower Street, wine-merchant-Aug. 14, Hollyman, Clevedon butcher-Aug. 8, Yow- ler, crealton, auctioneer-Aug. 7, barber, Wolstanton. Staffordshire, provision-dealer A. 4, Phillipps, Upper Bullingham, Herefordshire, banker. To be confirmed unless cause be shown to the contrary on or be/lire August 3. 'moue, Wood Street, laceman-Barnes, Woodbridge, innkeeper-Gurney, Lambeth Walk, brewer--Mansell. Newent, Gloucestershire, timber-dealer-Busst. Walsall, Um- ber-merchant-Smith, Enfield, wine-merchant-Goring, Hanweil, butcher. DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.
Tavistoc.k, tanner; first and final city. of 28. 110. any Tuesday or Friday slier July 16; Mr. Hernatnan, Exeter-Tanner, Leadenhall Place, leather-factor; tirst div. of 7s. 2d. on the separate estate. July 18, and two subsequent Wednesdays' Mr. Turquand, Ouildhall Chambers–Warwick, Cambridge, printer ; first div. of IS. 94. JulY 18, and two subsequent Wednesdays; Mr. Turquand, Guildhall .Chambers-Rich- trds.jun. Reading, banker; second div. of 64. July 18, and two subsequent Wednes- 21_17. ei Mr. Turquand, Guildhall Chambers-Cartwright, Heaton Norris, Lancashire, final div. of 13-I6d. July 17, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Poet, Manchea- Mr-Barrow, Hulrue, painter; first div. of It. 1144. July 17, or any subsequent Tees- 20.004 jewits, Liverpool, hotel-keeper, July 23, Aug. 14: solicitors, Messrs. llolme and Co. New Inn; Mr. Yates jun. Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Cazenove,
noeToR, Tames, Preston, spindle-maker, July 23, Aug. 21: solicitors, Messrs.
Chester and Co. Staple's Inn ; Mr. Armstrong, Preston ; Messrs. Sale and Co. Man- chester ; official assignee, Mr. Loft, Manchester.
monis, 0E0E6E, St. Neots, merchant, July 24, Aug. 15: solicitors, Messrs. Parker sad Co Bedffird Row ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards. Frederick's Place. day ; Mr. Pott, Manchester-Bennett, High Street, Islington, draper; first MY. Of lled. any Wednesday ; Mr. Whitmore, Baldnghall Street,-Nash, Netherton, Woreati- tershire, sithe-plater ; first city. Of 3d. any Thursday; Mr. Christie, Birmingham- Littlewood, Thorneyburn Rectory, Northumberland, clerk ; first div. of Is. 8d. July 14, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Wakley, Neweastle-upOn•Tyne--MellS and Turley, Manchester, tailors; final div. of 2 11-164. July 17, or any subsequent Tuesday; Mr. Hobson, Manchester-White, Liverpool, merchant; sixth div. of id. on Monday, July 16, or any subsequent Monday; Mr. Bird, Liverpool-Cole and Mount- castle, Manchester, silk-manufacturers ; final dividend of 614. on Tuesday, July 17, and any subsequent Tuesday; Mr. Holmen, Manchester-Barber and Mar- shall. Walsall, bankers; first dividend of Is. 24., second of 64., third of 64., fourth of 8d., and fifth of 84. any Thursday; Mr. Veiny, Birmingham-Relay junior and Reap, Mark Lane, wine-merchants; third div. of 214. and 25. 114. on the separate estate of J. Reay junior, on Wednesday next, and three following Wednesdays; Mr. Graham, Coleman Street-T. and E. Lyon, Birchin Lane, stockbrokers; second dip. of 614. on Wednesday next, and three following Wednesdays; Mr. Graham, Coleman Street-Howden, Old Street Road, patent-stove-manufacturer; first div. of 21. 64. on Wednesday next, and three following Wednesdays; Mr. Graham, Coleman Street.
Edgar, Paisley, wright. July 18, Aug. 15-Pillaus and Home, Edinburgh, stock-bro- kers, July 19, Aug. 9-Young, Kdwinning, grocer, July 19, Aug. 13.