14 JULY 1849, Page 21


BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.)

Batting. Monday..Tuesday. ifedoes.

8 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account Spec Cents Reduced 3¢ per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock, 7 per Cent

India Stock, 10it

Exchequer Bills, lid. per diem India Bonds, 41 per Cent (Last Official Quotation Austrian 5 p. Ct Belgian 4* – Ditto 04–

Brazilian a

Buenos Ayres 6

Chilian e

Danish Dutch (Ex. 12 Gailden) 2* – Ditto 4 French 3 Ditto 5 – Indiana (Sterling) 6 – Illinois 6 Kentucky – Louisiana (Sterling) 5 Maryland (Sterling) – FOREIGN during the — 85 83* 44* 9/ 51* 805 5 If. SM. Me.


89 89 FUNDS.

Week ending Friday Evening.) Massachusetts (Sterling)...5 p.Ct Mexican 5

Michigan 6 -

Mississippi (Sterling) 6 –

New York (1860 ..... 6 -

Ohio . . a – Pennsylvania 6 –

Peruvian a -

Portuguese 6 –

Ditto a – Russian 6 - Spanish 6 –

Ditto 3 – Ditto (Passive) Ditto (Deferred)

Venezuela Active.

104* 30i

95 ex d.

98 82 79 106 181 39) is 25 Si

• -•".

16 34* end



91 26 16 22 691 10

(Last Official Quotation RAILWAYS–,

Caledonian Edinburgh and Glasgow Eastern Counties Great Northern

Great North of England

Great South. and West. Ireland Great Western Hull and Selby Lancashire er Yorkshire Lancaster ana Carlisle London Brighton and South Coast London and Blackwell London and North-western Midland North British South-eastein and Dover South-western YorIWNeivtguitle, and Berwick York gad North Midland


East and West India London St. Katherine SHARES. dur Ing the 251 41 91

101 223

33* 81 98 54 374 4¢ 132

641 la

21¢ 164 24 21¢ 134 110* sad.


Week ending Friday Evening.)



British North ADIeSieDIL


Commercial of London

London and Westminster

London Joint Stock National of Ireland National Provincial ...

Provincial of Ireland Union of Australia

Unlon of London . • .. Mines-

Butanes - Brazilian Imperial

pitto (St. John Del Rey)

Cobra Copper

Mucatteitrons– ., Australian Agricultural – Canada General Steam Peninsular and Oriental Steam

Reptilian Steam Smith Australian

BULLION. Per oz.

Foreign Gold inners, Standard ... 43 17 9 Foreign Goldin Coin,FortugalPleces 0 0 0 New Dollars 0 4 10 Silver in liars, Standard .... . .. 0 4 Il¢ METALS. Per ton.

Copper,BrItish Cakes £79 10 0.. 000 Iron,British Bars – – 5 10 0.. 5100 Lead, British Pig .... 15 15 0 .. 16 0 0

Steel,English 0 il 0 .. 0 0 0

GRAIN, Mark lane, July 13.

5. J.

Wheat, R.Ne w 42 to4.4 Rye 23 to 24 Maple 381040 Oats, Feed . 19 tote Pine 44-48

Barley 22-22

White–. – 30 – 32 Fine. 20-21 Old 42-96 Malang... 20-27 Boilers ... 02-24 Poland .. 20-21 White 46-50 Malt, Ord.... 12-37 Beans,Ticks. 31 – 33 Fine . 2i-23 Fine 50 – 54 Fine 58 –60 Old 31 – 36 Potato .. 21-24 Super. New .. 61-56

Peas•Hog ... 26-3d

Harrow 36-30 0-inc. 26-28 Weekly Averages for the Week ending July 7.

Wheat, 47.. Id.–Barley,25s. Ild.–Oats, 17.. 11d.–Rye, 28s. ld.–liea., 311. 14.–Peas, 33..104.


Town-made per sack di,. to 47..

Batter–Beat Fresh, lie 64. per doz.

Seconds . 41 – 41 Carlow, 31. 7.. to 31. 10.. per cwt.

Essex and Suffolk.on board ship 38 – 41 Bacon, Irish per cwt. 73..– 73..

Norfolk and Stockton 35 – 38 Cheese, Cheshire 54 – 74

Bran per quarter 0 – o

Derby Flain .51 –54

Pollard, flue 0 -0

Hams, York 74

–54 Bread, 64. to 754. the 41b. loaf.

Bugs, French, per 120,

4.64. to 6s. Od.


NEW01.71 /ND LIADENH/LL.• SNIT/MELD, . Hein or CArtue As


d. 8. d. a. d. a. d. a. d. s. d.

Beer. 2 6 to 3 0 to 3 6 ..... 2 10 to 3 6 to 3 le Friday.


Mutton 2 g – 3 4 – 3 8 3 2 – 3 8 – 4 0

Beast,. 843

3,012 Veal .. 2 8 – 3 4 – 4 0 2 6 – 3 0 – 3 8 Sheep. 14,810 29,86e Pork .. 3 0 – 3 8 – 4 0 4 0 4 4 – 4 8 Calves. 725 360

Lamb. 4

4 - 4 8 – 5 0

4 6 4 10– 6 0 • Pigs.., 250 261

' - PuTeerozs.

York Regents per ton.. NA* Or. Scotch Rees 0 – 0

Devon& - U ■ u

Rent end Ease* Whites 0 – 0

HAY AND STRAW. Conagateno.

Hay, Good

72.. to 77s Inferior 60 65 New



Clover 95 – 100

Wheat Straw

32 36 OILS, COALS, CANDLES. Rape 011 per cwt. £1 10,. 04. Refined 127 0 Linseed 011 1 6 0 Linseed 011-Cake . .. per 1000 9 0 0 Candles, per dozen, 51. Od. to 5 6d. Moulds. (6d.per doz. discount/ 7.- OS. Coals, Hetton Os. Od.

Toes 17, 34.

92* excl. 94 exd. 94 92* 195 shut to pm.

921 92 92

93 05 194 254 47 92¢

921 921 931 80 197

Si 78



32* 93 93 93¢ og 195* 212 AVERAGE PEJOES OF CORN.

Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales.

Wheat.... 45s. 14. 1 Rye ... .... 26.. 7,1.

Barley 26 6 1 Beans 31 4 Oats .. .... 18 0 /Peas 31 9 • DUTY ON Ft/BEIGE CORN.

Wheat le Od. ! Rye Barley 1 0 I Beans Oats 1 0 1 Peas 1..04.

I 0 I 0 To sink the offal, pars ib.


Kent Pocketa 72.. to 1124.

Choice ditto 64 160 Sussex Pockets 60 105 Fine ditto 90 172

(Per Load of so 'X russos.) Smivarietie We al. ecHAFISL

58,. to Us. 63, to 72,. 0 – 0 0 – o

0 – 0 60 – 60

70 – 93 40 – 100 20 – 31 • • • • 30 – 26 GROCE.R11313.

Tea, Babes, fine, ....per lb. Os. LI. to 0*18.

Congou, fine 1 – 1 9

Souchong, fine 1 8 –1 9

• In Bond–Duty le Id, per lb. Coffee, fine (in bond) par cwt. 68s. to 100s. Glued Ordinary . . . – ass. Sugar, Muscovado, per owe– 278.814.

West India Molasses 18. Od. to 21/.0d.