The Consul Market opened on Monday. dull and heavy, at 931 931 for money; and 931 931 for August. The principal transactions were in eon-- flexion with the settlement of the following day, and quotations all round were lower.. Stocks have since generally declined in anticipation of a loan for China and the national defences; the disturbances in Syria have like- elied a prejudicial influence upon the market, particularly when it was announced that France was on the point of taking immediate steps to put an end to the atrocities; though why that fact should have depressed Eng- lish prices, seeing that French Rentes actually advanced, is not very clear, unless it be that the market is sensitive and euepicious of every French movement. Consols were at one moment 93 3-16 sellers, but a recovery took place yesterday to 93 931. This morning, owing to the financial die- cusaions of Cast the Funds opened flat ; Consols were offered at 93 5-16, but have since risen to 931 931, and firm at the quotation, although the de- bate of tonight is looked ferward to with some anxiety, and the market-is therefore very sensitive. Bank Stock leaves off 229 230; Indian Stock, 219 220 ; ,Ditto Five per Cent, 1041 1041 ; Reduced and New Three per Cents, 931931. The disastera in the leather trade have not had the effect in the Money Market which was feared; althoughthere are 008814013/11 announcements of small failures, there is nothing -of further serious importance anticipated. Money is stilt in demand, notwithstanding the payment of the-dividends ; the -rates varyingftem- 31 to 4# per cent. ;Foreign Securities hare been rather more active, lthough business has not been very extensive, except in Peruvian, which have. been purchased up to -95'96 for the Faur-and-a- half per Cents, and 72 73.for the Three per Cents ; Uribarren stationary, SI 81; and the:Dollar Bonds 79 81. Mexican. has been 'especially heavy; and closes 20f 21 ; Venezuela, 22 23, and the One-and-a-half per. Cents, 11 12., Grenada Active, 14 15 ; Ditto, Deferred, 441; Brazilian, 871881. Turkish Stocks were flet, but are ore bettor ; the Old Six per Cents leaving 4'77 77/, and the New biet14.110 801.' -Sardinian, 82 83 ;- Victor Emeranucl, 93 91; 'Russian Five *Ants, -W 100 ; Russian Three per Cents, 64 641; the New Four-and-a-heaver Cent Loan has advanced to./• 1 premium ; but
the Market is very quiet. Chilian Four-and-a-half per Cent, 8183; Ditto, Six per Cent, 102 104 Spanish has been in demand, and closes firm at the price 40 401 for the Deferred, and 481 49 for the Three per Cents. Portu- guese, 44 441. The first " making-up" day for the settling of Tuesday in the Foreign Market will be tomorrow.
Railway Shares have been gradually gaining strength all the week, prices at the close this afternoon showing a decided improvement upon those at the opening ; the amount of business passing has however been extremely limited. Lancashire and Yorkshire steady at 1061 1064 ; and London and North-Western, 1021 1024; Midland, 1181 1181 ; London and South- Western, 951 951; Caledonian 931 941; London and Brighton, 114 115 ; South-Eastern and Dover, 841851; Great Northern, 115 116 ; and the A Stock, 1131 1141 ; Manchester, Sheffield, 41 411 ; London and Blackwell, 691 701 ; Great Western of Canada, 111 111; Grand Trunk of Ditto, 28 281. There are very few of the principal dealers in town just now and business is languid. Indian Shares are dull, there being no speculations whatever, and but few investments. East Indian, 991 1001 ' • Great Indian Peninsula, 97' 974 ; Madras, 96 97 ; Bombay and Baroda, 9495. The French Market is steady, owing to the fine weather in Paris and the cheapness of money. Midi, 20 21 ; Northern of France, 371 381 ; Paris and Lyons, 35 351 ; Lombardo-Venetian shares have been very little dealt in, and close par 1 prem. ; Orleans, 54 55 ; Carmeaux, 21 21 ; Sambre et Meuse, 51 51 Luxembourg obligations, 61 71. Joint Stock Bank Shares have been active, the Louden and Westminster leaving off today, 591 601; London Joint, 31 32; City, 74 76. After the meeting, Union Bank Shares were purchased up to 27, about 31. per share rise, the latest figures are 26 27.