The season that had lost its way has found it at last. Summer is yeomen in, and tourists' books come with it Mr. Walter White, liberally interpreting the Shropshire proverb, ALL ROUND THE Wnexi2r, narrates under that title the incidents of a tour of wide range round the famous hill, entering Leicestershire in one direction, and Herefordshire in the other.
Mr. Weld, another well-known bird of summer, as regular in his migrations as the swallow, tells his tale of Two MONTHS IN THE HIGH- LANDS, ORCADIA, AND SKYE.
All holiday tourists are health seekers, but their needs are various ; some go on in quest of means to keep health, not to recover it ; the wants of others are just the reverse. For the guidance of both these classes, Dr. Spencer Thomson has written his HEALTH RESORTS OF BRITAIN ; AND HOW TO PROM BY THEM.
A new GUIDE TO THE ISLE OF Wioirr, not will together with scissors and paste, but ably and carefully composed, will be hailed as a welcome acquisition by a large section of our summer vagrants. It contains full and accurate information on every topic that can interest them as visitors to the island, and is accompanied by a large tourist's map, executed with all the fidelity and copiousness of detail which character- ize Mr. Stanford's publications.
THE &acmes or THE Airs, by Professor Tyndall, of the Royal Institution, is a beautiful book, of great literary and scientific interest. It is divided into two parts; the first, chiefly narrative, presents a striking picture of the life of an Alpine explorer, and of the means by which his knowledge is acquired ; in the second part that knowledge is classified, and the theory of the subject is expounded in a popular manner.
Mr. Cyrus Redding, whose " History and Description of Modern Wines" has maintained its high repute for nearly thirty years, has just published an elaborate monograph on FRENCH WINES AND VINEYARDS; AND THE WAY TO FIND Taral.
Mr. Dunlop, of Meerut celebrity, has written a capital book on HUNT- ING IN THE HIMALAYA, with digressions on a variety of topics incidental to hill travel. He would fain induce English sportsmen to attempt en- terprises more worthy of their energies than deer-stalking and bird- shooting in Scotland, and believes that so many of them would not spend time, trouble, and money on those pursuits, if they were aware of the facilities for reaching the Himalaya, and obtaining an almost endless assortment of game there.
All Round the Wrekin. By Walter White.
Two Months in the Highlands, Orcadia and Skye. By Charles Richard Weld. Health Resorts of Britain ; and How to Profit by them. By Spencer Thom- son, M.D., Sec. Numerous Illustrations.
A Guide to the Isle of Wight: its Approaches and Places of Resort, &c. By the Reverend Edmund Venables, M.A.; and Eminent Local Naturalists.
The Glaciers of the Alps. Being a Narrative of Excursions and Ascents, an Account of the Origin and Phenomena of Glaciers ; and an Exposition of the Physical Principles to which they are related. By John Tyndall, F.R.S., &c. of Holland. With Illustrations.
Hunting in the Himalaya. With Notices of Customs and Countries from the Elephant Haunts of the Dehra Doon, to the Bunchowr Tracts in Eternal Snow. By R. H. W. Dunlop, C. B., &c. Illustrated by J. Wolf. Slavery Doomed : or the Contest between Free and Slave Labour in the united States. By Frederick Milnes Edge.
The Fifty rears' Struggle of the Scottish Cocenanters, 1838-SS. By James Dodd.
The Wife's Domain. By Philothalos.
.77te Mutinies in Rajpootana : being a Personal Narrative of the Mutiny at Nuaseerabad, with subsequent Residence at Jodhpore, and Journey across the Desert into Sind, together with an Account of the Outbreak at Neemuch and Mutiny of the Jodhpore Legion at Erinpoora, and Attack on Mount Aboo. By Iltudus Thomas Prichard, late of the Bengal Army.
872 THE SPECTATOR. [July 14, 1860.
Garibaldi; an Autobiography. Edited by Alexander Dumas. Translated by William Robson.
An Emigrant's Fire Years ht the Free States of America. By William Han- cock. In one volume. With a Map. '
French Wines and Vineyards: and the Way to Find Them. By Cyrus Red-
The Story of a Lost Life. By William Platt. In three volumes.
Bond and Free, By the Author of" Caste," .&c. In three volumes.
Julian Mountioy ;_ or the Nonpareil Family. An Historical Romance. By Captain Curling. ; The Illustrated Boy's 'Own neasury. With Five Hundred Descriptive En- gmvings. Life in the Sea ; or the Nature and Habits of Marine Animals. Written and compiled by Lascelles. Wraxall.
The Oxford Museum. Remarks addressed to a Meeting of Architec.ttmtl So- cieties, by Henry W. Aelaud, M.D., &c. With Letters from John Ruskin- 51.A., and John Phillips, M.A.
Below the Surface. A Story of English Country Life. By Sir Arthur Balla m Elton, Bart. Revised.
Memoirs of Celebrated-Characters. By Alphonse de Larnaitine.