The victory on the Bistaitz has been followed by a
forward movement of the Prussian army. The main body is now in Moravia, threatening the Austrians at Olmutz by a direct advance in that quarter with the army of the Crown Prince, by flank movements on Brunt and Iglau with the armies of Prince Charles and Herwarth von Bittenfeld. This combination ought to secure the prompt retreat of the Austrians on Vienna. Prague has been occupied, a measure necessary, if for nothing else, -to give the Prussians free railway communication with Saxony. In south- western Germany the Bavarians have been beaten in detail, and the Prussians are pushing rapidly down upon the line of the Main. and Frankfort. The Bavarians say they will make a stand on the Main, and we hope they will, as the dispersion of the Bavarian army will facilitate the dualism of Germany.