It is stated that the Government of India have agreed
to allow the Ameer of Afghanistan a lakh of rupees a month, £120,000 a year, so long as he conducts himself on principles approved by the British Government. That is a reversion to the old policy car- ried out successfully with Dost Mahommed, and is thoroughly wise. The .A rneers of Afghanistan can raise troops in considerable numbers by calling on the Sirdurs, or feudal nobles ; but they cannot keep up a 'wills delile solely de- pendent on themselves, and ready to attack any noble, without a supply of specie, which they can obtain only from the British. With this donation, they can keep together 0,000 men and some artillery, and so stamp out the embers of sedition before they burst into a flame. They can, moreover, secure the prompt and permanent assistance of one or two Sirdars, with part, and a small part, of the money, the desire for a small specie revenue being extreme. The allowance, in fact, makes Abdurrahman n powerful Prince, as it made Dost Mahommed, and gives the British the control of his exter- nal relations at a tenth of the cost which even a small army at Quettah would involve. The Ameer will never do any act which would stop his supply of coin, and it should be carefully noted that the payments arc to be made month by month. That is to say, the most essential revenue of the Court of Cabal can be stopped at a month's notice.