Female Sandy Cats
SIR,—Re Mr. Royds's query concerning the sex of "sandy " cats, I presume he alludes to what are known as " red tabbies." Haviny reported cat-shows in London for The Times since 1930, I can cite from the catalogues of these shows numerous instances of red tabby females. Nevertheless, the belief that only male specimens are to bi found is widespread, and I have even found it held by vets.
Tortoiseshells and "tortie and whites" are nearly always females, but an odd male does crop up from time to time. I have seen at least two at shows. Male tortoiseshells and tortie and whites are generally impotent or sterile or die young ; at all events I have never heard of oni that sired a family. Perhaps even more curious is the case of the " blue creams," produced by the mating of a blue and a cream. No male blue
cream has yet appeared.—Yours faithfully, CLAUD W. SYKES. 32 Souberie Avenue, Letchworth.