The news current in Paris on Thursday is not without
interest. According to the Reforme, alarming accounts of the Due De Montpensier, who was cam- Reigning in Algeria, had been received by his family : "the young Prince, of a feeble constitution and unable to bear the fatigues of war, has been attacked with dysentery." He was to sail on the 10th from Tenez, in a steam-frigate for Tunis.; afterwards to visit Tripoli and Alexandria; and to return home via Naples, Marshal Bugeaud bad hitherto not been very prosperous in his expedition against the Kabyles; but a late report is, that on the 2d he met the enemy within two leagues of Orleansville, and defeated them, with the loss of 50 killed and 160 prisoners, besides an immense quantity of cattle. Mach sensation had been created in Marseilles by reports from Morocco: not only had the Emperor refused to ratify the treaty, but he had caused the signer of that treaty to be decapitated. A Moorish envoy had come to return the pre- sents offered by France, under pretence that they were far superior to those made in the Emperor's name. A telegraphic despatch, addressed by the Minister of Marine to General Delarue, enjoined the latter not to return some Moorish pri- soners until the treaty should be definitively ratified. The comet is loudly blamed in Paris for an increase of the temperature, rapid and extreme beyond example: so late as Monday snow fell in the South of France; while on Wednesday, at Paris, the thermometer (Fahrenheit) marked in the shad 82 degrees, and on Thursday 86 degrees.