aaarvini— At Gravesend, 7th inst. Malacca, Shutter, from China; Camatic, Ilyne, from Bombay ; and Regalia, Affieck, from the Cape. Off Portsmouth, 9th ditto, Eleanor, M`Farlane, from Sydney. At the Cape, 4th April, Agile, Sault, from Lon- don. At Batavia, 31st Jan. Brougham, Banker, from London.
&arise—From Gravesend, 5th inst. Marquis of Bute, Bannatyne, for China ; 9th, Sappho, Dunlop, for ditto; 10th, Wellesley, Totter, for Calcutta; and Neptune, Ferris, for Bombay. From Newport, 12th ditto, Java, Pickering, for Calcutta. From Liver- pool, 7th ditto Dumfries, Thompson for China ; Christina, Bateson, for Batavia ; Ocean, Pritchard, for Singapore; Barbara, Puma, for Calcutta ; Protector, Dove, for Ceylon ; and °Axe, Christian, for Bombay ; 9th, John Bull, Crawford, for Calcutta ; and Herculean, Gibson, for Bombay ; and 12th, John o' Gaunt, SPDonaid, for China. Prom Rothsay, 9th ditto, Grange, Gotham, for Calcutta. From Greenock, 5th ditto, Tecumseh, Shaw, for Moulmein; and 7th, Quentin Leitch, Potter, for Bombay.
Amtivee—Off Plymouth, 12th inst. Prince of Wales, —, from Calcutta. The Horwood was driven on shore and bilged, at Algoa Bay, on the 28th March.