The transactions on the Stock Exchange generally have been of a very unimportant character • the settlement of the Consol Account on Tuesday,. and the closing of the irooks of the Consols and other Stocks upon the follow- ing day, having failed to create an activity or to cause the business usually remarked on these occasions. The prices of the English Funds have, how-. ever, slightly improved; the closing quotation of Consols this afternoon being 965 97 ex-dividend for the July Account—equivalent to a quotation with dividend of 981 f. The other English Funds are at proportionally re- lative prices. Exchequer Bills have improved slightly ; the premium having advanced to 47. The rates of foreign exchange. continue firm, without ma- terial variation ; but the exchange upon Paris, which has been without fluctuation for some time, was rather lower this afternoon. The importa- tions of flour from France still continue suspended, in consequence of the rise that has taken place in Paris and the principal grain-markets in that country. The stock of French flour on hand here is at present small, and holders are asking an advance of from Is to 3s. per sack upon recent prices.. Money is more abundant, especially in the Stock Exchange, where, in con- sequence of the decrease of the rate of interest in the Railway Share Market,. large amounts which have recently been lent upon Railway Shares have been withdrawn from that employment, and now tend to swell the general mass. of unemployed capital. In the Foreign Market, Peruvian Stock continues to advance : the Active Bonds have been done at 89, closing this afternoon at 89 90. It is calculated that the sale of guano for the present year will reach 200,000 tons ; and as. 21. per ton is paid to the Government Agent in London to be applied to the payment of dividends upon the stock and as a sinking-fund for the liquida- tion of the debt, 400,0001. will thus be paid to credit of the Government under this head. Mexican Bonds continue without material variation, and prices are nearly the same as last week. No new intelligence of importance has been received from the Republic. Russian Bonds continue steady; the price being from 102 to 1021. The other Foreign Stocks are without mate- rial change. Some heavy failures have occurred at Liverpool in the cotton trade.
Several forced sales of Railway Shares have occurred in this market, which has been heavy during the week without any material decline in prices. The returns of traffic for the week ending last Saturday are very favourable, and exhibit as compared with the corresponding week of last' year a considerable increase. This appears to have prevented any material decline in the prices, which would otherwise have fallen considerably. At the settlement of the Account today, the rates paid to carry over shares to the end of the month were much smaller than usual. Prices improved a. little this afternoon. The French Shares are generally higher. On one or two days a demand for Paris occurred, and several purchases were made by houses connected with that city. But since Wednesday the transactions under this head have been insignificant.
The English Funds close at the morning's prices, without the occurrence of any business of moment. The price of Exchequer Bills has declined,. 10001. bills having fallen to 418. For a very long time these securities have been pressed upon the market, and consequently in a gradual course of deterioration. In the Foreign Market the following have been the actual transactions—Buenos Ayres, 55; Mexican, 365; Peruvian 89; Ditto De- ferred, 42; Portuguese Four Per Cents, 335, 321; Spanish Paselee Stock, 6 s Ditto Three Per Cents, 40} 5; Dutch Two-and-a-Half, 60.
The appearance of firmness presented by the Railway Share Market has not continued ; with few exceptions prices are rather lower than in the morning. The following are the principal bargains recorded—Aberdeen, 111; Ambergate, Notts, and Boston, 45; Caledonian, 13 ; Chester and:Holy- head, 185 ; East Lancashire, 155 ; Great Northern, 175; Great Western,. 845 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 545; London and North-western, 1245;
London and South-western, 835; Midland, 505; North BritishStaffordshire, 91; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 163; Scottish British, 7}; North
Central, 165; Scottish Midland, 85; South-eastern and Dover, 235 ; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 20; York and North Midland, 211; Northern of France, 155 ; Paris and Rouen, 251; Paris and Strasbourg, 105.
3 per Cent Consols
Ditto for Account
3 per Cent Reduced
31 per Cents Long Annuities
shut 96J 97
971 98
7 5-1li
Danish S per Cents Dutch 2/ per Cents .. Ditto Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 5 per Cents 1846
Peruvian 6 per Cents 76 77 591 60 901 / 341 35 88 96
Bink Stock 2111 121 Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842. 32/ 34, Exchequer Bills 41 46 pm, Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824. 85 87
India Stock
Russian 5 per Cents
112 114
Brazilian 5 per Cents
88 90 Ditto 41 per Cents 1021 / Belgian 4/ per Cents 91 3 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents. 20/ f Chili= 6 per Cents 103 .5 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 401 t
Danish 5 per Cents lea 4
Venezuela 32 4
There is no change in the prices of either the English or Foreign Funds, all of which are nominally at yesterday's quotations, with scarcely any transactions. The only variation in the Railway Share Market is in Great Western, and Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, both of which have improved ; the others are at yesterday's prices. The following are the only transactions in this department as yet recorded—Great Western, 85; Mid- land, 51}; Newmarket, 75; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 175 Shropshire Union, 35; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 20 ; Ditto Exten- sion, 145.