At the Covent Garden house, the obvious delicacy of the
health of Mario is to be regretted, both for the sake of this excellent artist himself and that of the public, Signor Mario, we understand, was much indis-
posed when he arrived from St. Petersburg at the beginning of the sea- son, and he has never recovered his strength. Last week, being unable to appear when Don Giovanni was performed, he was obliged to surrender the part of Ottavio to Tamberlik ; who acquitted himself so admirably that he repeats it by the special command of the Queen, and v. ill now probably keep possession of it. The Ottavios of the stage, Rubini and Mario included, have tacitly acquiesced in the general condemnation of the character itself; representing it as that of a mere walking gentle- man ; but Tamberlik threw into it some vigour and earnestness of pur- pose, and thus gave it an unexpected effect. He sang, too, beautifully ; but let Mario be in full possession of his delicious voice, and who can sing "Il mio tesoro " as he does ? La Favorite was revived on Thurs- day, and Mario appeared in it along with Grisi ; but his weakness and languor were still painfully apparent.